Учебна система „The English Ladder“ Учебната система „ The English Ladder “ е разработена за ученици от 1. до 4. клас и осигурява първи успешни стъпки в английския език. Тя се състои от 4 нива, които покриват знания на ниво А1 според Общата европейска езикова рамка. Всяка от четирите части осигурява 70-150 учебни часа. С преминаването на второ и трето ниво от системата учениците ще придобият знания за сертификатния тест Cambridge YLE: Starters. Материалите от ниво 4 подготвят за Cambridge YLE: Movers. Учебник Системата е подходяща за паралелки, които имат от 1 до 3 часа седмично английски език. ... |
3 CD с аудиоматериали Tiger Time for Bulgaria за 4. клас от световноизвестните автори Carol Read и Mark Ormerod съдържа всички материали за слушане за учебника Tiger Time for Bulgaria за 4. клас по английски език. Учебната система Tiger Time for Bulgaria: позволява гъвкавост в методите на преподаване чрез наличния Presentation Kit, който улеснява визуализирането на съдържанието и помага за концентрацията на учениците; Tiger помага за изграждането на основните морални ценности на учениците; чрез CLIL модулите, които са включени във всеки урок, учениците научават за световната култура и здравословния начин на ... |
Bestselling author of "The Bear and the Nightingale". ... For a young woman in medieval Russia, the choices are stark: marriage or life in a convent. Vasya will choose a third way: magic. The court of the Grand Prince of Moscow is plagued by power struggles and rumours of unrest. Meanwhile bandits roam the countryside, burning the villages and kidnapping its daughters. Setting out to defeat the raiders, the Prince and his trusted companion come across a young man riding a magnificent horse. Only Sasha, a priest with a warrior's training, recognises this 'boy' as his younger sister, thought to be ... |
Let Frodo, Sam, Gandalf, and other beloved inhabitants of Middle- earth guide your tarot practice with this epic tarot deck and guide, inspired by the iconic The Lord of the Rings novels. Join the Fellowship of the Ring with the only official The Lord of the Rings tarot deck! Featuring original artwork inspired by classic tarot iconography, this 78-card deck depicts fan-favorite characters, creatures, and scenes from The Lord of the Rings novels, including everyone from heroes like Sam Gamgee and Legolas to sinister antagonists Gollum and Sauron. Comprising both major and minor arcana, the deck also comes with a helpful ... |
Traditions and their Transformations in the British Cinema of the 90s, of the 20th Century ... Writing this book was a strange journey over bridges across different cultures. The title is a metaphor of the hybrid, intellectual and anti-spectacular british feature cinema from the end of the 20 th century with affinity to egalitarianism, minimalism of the "short form", archetypal imagery and hedonism. It is a triumph of the expansive yough's counter-culture with it's intrinsic intolerance of authority, power and cliches. The transformation of tradition in the context of instability of the national- ... |
This beautiful gift book presents 100 poems, organised by theme to encourage the discovery of new favourites. Bright, colourful illustrations are packed with charm and detail to capture the imaginations of young children. Poems include classics from Robert Burns, William Wordsworth, Christina Rossetti, Louisa M Alcott and Edward Lear. ... |
It is 1866, and there is trouble in the world's oceans. What is the extraordinary thing that people have seen there, travelling faster than a whale and cutting holes in the bottom of the strongest ships? Dr Aronnax joins the search for the monster, hoping for an exciting adventure. But when he meets the mysterious Captain Nemo, his adventure becomes more extraordinary than he had ever imagined, and he discovers a new underwater world, full of wonders, but of strange dangers too... Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading ... |
Одобрено от МОН със заповед № РД09 - 3163 от 14.08.2017 г. ... Tiger Time for Bulgaria е учебник за 4. клас от световноизвестните автори Carol Read и Mark Ormerod. Учебникът използва т.нар. story-based подход, т.е. преподаване на английски език чрез истории. Тези истории са адаптирани към възрастта на учениците като лексиката и граматиката се въвеждат постепенно. Учебникът набляга на развитието на езиковите умения - четене, писане, слушане и говорене. Учебната система Tiger Time for Bulgaria позволява гъвкавост в методите на преподаване чрез наличния Presentation Kit, който улеснява визуализирането на съдържанието и ... |
Сюита за китара. ... "Много китаристи и учители по китара, които харесват музиката ми, продължават да ме питат: "Написахте ли нещо по-лесно, нещо, което може да се свири без много упражнения, нещо подходящо не само за нас, но и за нашите ученици?" Вярно е, че през последните няколко години създадох произведения като Соната за китара, Фантазия Концертанте за три китари и оркестър и по-специално Балканска соната, които са насочени към изпълнители от наистина висока класа и богат опит. Това са парчета, които изискват много практика и време, за да узреят, и съм почти сигурен, че ако попаднат в ръцете на ученик, ... |
Based on the story of James Fenimore Cooper. Text adaptation by Bill Bowler. ... The year is 1757. The English and the French are at war in North America. Two sisters - Cora and Alice - want to visit their father, General Munro. They begin their dangerous journey with the handsome English officer, Duncan Heyward and the Indian guide, Magua. On the way they meet friends and enemies, and many adventures. Some people will be heroes and some people will die. And what will happen to their friend Uncas, the last of the Mohican Indians? Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... "The Call of the Wild" tells the story of Buck, a domestic dog who is kidnapped from his home in California and forced to pull sleds in the Arctic wasteland. White Fang, by contrast, is the tale of a crossbreed who is three-quarters wolf and a quarter dog, and who must endure considerable suffering in the wilderness before being tamed by an American and taken to live in California. Extraordinary both for the vividness of their descriptions and the success with which they imagine life from a non-human perspective, Jack London's classics of ... |
"For a person to write a book like this, he has to love art, passionately and selflessly, and to love, of course, the artist as well. The author possesses these qualities in full measure. But even with the love, enthusiasm, and admiration that permeate the entire book, it in no way amounts to a glorification, veneration, or canonization of Zlatyu Boyadzhiev’s image. Quite the opposite - the author has succeeded in keeping a necessary distance, allowing him the opportunity to combine an up-close and a distant view of the artist. He doesn’t carve a monument, he doesn’t paint an icon; rather, he presents a dynamic image, ... |