Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Dorian Gray is young, arrogant, and devastatingly handsome. Confronted by his beauty in the form of a portrait, and struck by the terrible realization that he will age, Dorian wishes to retain his charms forever and finds his desire granted. He abandons himself to a life of hedonism, vice and murder, yet his face remains unmarked by his evil. But, hidden in his attic, the painting ages and corrupts, and one day Dorian must stand face to face with the man he has become. A perfect depiction of fin-de-siècle decadence, Oscar Wilde's only novel ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... One of the first great spy novels, "The Riddle of the Sands" is set during the long, suspicious years leading up to the First World War. In spite of good prospects in the Foreign Office, sardonic civil servant Carruthers is finding it hard to endure the boredom of his life in London. He accepts an invitation from a college friend, Davies, a shyly intrepid yachtsman, and joins him on a sailing holiday in the Baltic, and there, amidst the sunshine and bright blue seas, they discover a German plot to invade England... Like much contemporary British ... |
Sarah J. Maas 's sexy, richly imagined Court of Thorns and Roses series continues with the journey of Feyre's fiery sister, Nesta. Nesta Archeron has always been prickly - proud, swift to anger and slow to forgive. And since the war - since being made High Fae against her will - she's struggled to forget the horrors she endured and find a place for herself within the strange and deadly Night Court. The person who ignites her temper more than any other is Cassian, the battle-scarred, winged warrior who is there at Nesta's every turn. But her temper isn't the only thing Cassian ignites. And when they ... |
Uncover the sidesplitting life of cucumber scaredy-cats, non-stop pooping hamsters, exploding fish and everything in-between (and some things that have nothing to do with pets but are still ridiculously funny). This hilarious book answers all the big questions, like: do sausage dogs eat sausages? Why has my cat done a poo behind my wardrobe? And how can I persuade my parents to get me a pet? For real-life pet facts, imaginary stories, and a generally laugh-so-hard-snot-comes-out-your-nose read, this is the only pet book you'll ever need! Written by the outstanding children's comedian James Campbell, prepare ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Rather than be "sivilized" by the Widow Douglas, Huckleberry Finn - the grubby but good-natured son of a local drunk - sets off with Jim, an escaped slave, to find freedom on the Mississippi river. With the law on their tail, they navigate a world of robbers, slave hunters and con men, and Huck must choose between what society says is "right" and his own burgeoning understanding of Jim's friendship and humanity. Nostalgic and melancholy in equal measure, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain is a razor-sharp ... |
Историята на една река. ... Река Инд извира в Тибет, тече на запад през Индия и на юг през Пакистан. От хилядолетия реката е почитана като божество, от столетия е използвана като средство за имперска експанзия. "Империите на Инд" повежда читателя срещу течението и назад във времето, за да преброди повече от три хиляди километра земи и над пет хиляди години история. Алис Албиния е родена през 1976 г. в Лондон. Следва английска литература в Кеймбридж и история на Южна Азия в Института по ориенталистика и африкански изследвания. Две години работи в Делхи като журналист и редактор. Дебютната ѝ книга " ... |
Международният речник на идиомите на Кеймбридж обяснява над 7000 идиоми, които са актуални в британския, американския и австралийския английски, като помага на обучаващите се да ги разберат и използват с увереност. ... |
The master of weird fiction, H. P. Lovecraft combines cosmic fantasy with creeping horror in these three tales of malevolent alien forces, body-switching and travel across the space-time continuum."Evil in Lovecraft is universal, pervasive." Michael Chabon "His prescience and novelty seem more and more remarkable... shows a deeply modern horror at the universe." Guardian "A unique and visionary world of wonder, terror and delirium." Clive Barker ... |
Iron Maiden: Piece of Mind Брус Дикинсън, Стивън Грант, Тони Лий, Иван Брандън, Саша Гервази, А. Джонстън, Л. Мур, Дж. Репион, Б. Пошън, К. Робърсън, А. Сампсън
Pro Book
Цена: 46.66 лв. |
Този сборник съдържа девет комикса от блестящ екип от художници и сценаристи (включително самия Брус Дикинсън за Revelations!). Всяка история е вдъхновена от една от песните от емблематичния албум. От излизането на Piece of Mind изминаха 40 години. Това не е просто албум. Това е гръмовно изявление за решимостта на една група, издигнала се стремглаво от Ийст Енд, Лондон, и превърнала се в легенда. Тази книга е поклон към монументалното наследство на тези девет незабравими песни и възхвала на несравнимото въображение, което ги е вдъхновило."За 40 години е лесно да се забрави силното въздействие, което Piece of Mind ... |
Part 1: Fro the Beginings to 1700 Part 2: 1700-1832 ... В настоящата книга се проследява развоят на английската литература от времето на първите литературни паметници (VII в.) докъм 1830 г., когато завършва периодът на романтизма. На фона на историческото, общественото, културното и техническото развитие на Англия от онова време авторът представя английската литература като постоянно развиващ се процес, очертава новите тенденции в съответните епохи, новите идеи и разкрива пътя, който поезията, драмата и прозата са изминали за десет века: през старо- и средноанглийския период, през епохата на ренесанса, барока и ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. Widely accepted as Henry James great masterpiece, "The Portrait of a Lady" is a poignant and intense exploration of freedom and identity. This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an introduction by Costa Award-winning author Colm Toibin. Intelligent, beautiful and vivacious, Isabel Archer fascinates and ... |
Finance-banking resource technologikal mafia-driven Materialismus. ... Lord Prof. prof. Dr. Momchil Dobrev - Halachev is the only research professor in three disciplines - physics, economics and law. In the distant 1985. In just one year, he graduated from the Ilmenau Technical University for three and a half years, and was immediately invited to work with Prof. K-H von Gothe in his laboratory, where under the guidance of the professor in February 1985 they discovered superconductivity, but were forbidden to it was published after Bulgarian State Security agents began to press Momchil Dobrev. 1987 The Nobel Committee ... |