The Level 3 Workbook provides additional practice and reinforcement of the language, skills and exam techniques covered in the PREPARE Level 3 Student's Book units. Students can access the Cambridge One Digital Pack, optimised for a range of devices, for their bank of learning resources and accompanying Audio. Interactive practice includes Test and Train Exam Practice to build strategies and skills for exam success, and a timed Practice Test (when assigned by the class teacher). Practice Extra provides interactive grammar and vocabulary activities and games with instant feedback. Учебната система по английски език ... |
Учебникът от всяко ниво осигурява 90 учебни часа, които с допълнителните материали на системата могат да бъдат разширени до 180. Материалите в учебното съдържание са структурирани и представени така, че ученето да бъде едновременно лесно и интересно за децата. Четири рисувани животинки са главни герои на страниците в учебника. Папагалът Поли, лъвът Лео, маймуната Майк и жирафът Джина въвеждат децата в света на английския език с илюстрирани истории, песни и задачи под формата на игри. Всеки от уроците разполага с множество картинки, които въвеждат нови думи, но и бързо събуждат детския интерес, а занимателните упражнения- ... |
Джордж Кигън, дъблински адвокат, се събужда в леглото си в локва от кръв. Не може да си спомни какво се е случило предишната нощ. Скоро започва да му се изяснява, след като вижда тялото на своята приятелка и колежка, Орла, в телевизионните новини. Но кой е убил Орла, ако не е бил той? И защо? Джордж иска да знае, а също и инспектор Шон Мърфи от дъблинската полиция. ... |
The Grammar Goals Pupil's Book pack include a Pupil's Book and a CD-ROM. Each full colour Grammar Goals Pupil's Book has 10 units per level plus a two-page exam practice and writing development section and reference material. The Grammar Workout CD-ROM includes interactive grammar activities, that support the material covered in each unit. The visually appealing nature of the course ensures that grammar is presented in a child-friendly format that keeps pupils actively involved in learning the language form, function and meaning. The careful staging of the units provides three levels of challenge and success - ... |
"The Unhappy Giant" is a Level 3 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The "Macmillan Children's Readers" series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their interest. The book ... |
Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English, empowering them to make the most of life's opportunities. Through its three essential pillars, Cambridge Primary Path offers a truly effective approach to learning. The comprehensive literacy-based approach ensures students receive essential language support alongside literacy training so they become fully literate in English. The groundbreaking research-based oracy framework enables students to become confident, collaborative speakers. The creativity principles encourage ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. One icy winter's evening in Budapest, John Taylor is on his way home from the office when a man runs into him and knocks him over. The man turns to say sorry and John is amazed at what he sees: the man is John's double. The double rushes away but leaves no footprints in the snow. Over the next year it becomes clear to John that the meeting was no accident and that his double has a very important message to ... |
"The Ants' Party" is a Level 3 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The "Macmillan Children's Readers" series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their interest. The book ... |
Step into the world of "Cambridge Little Steps", a language and early literacy course that gets very young children communicating in English while nurturing their key life competencies and human values needed to become kind, creative individuals ready to make the most of life's opportunities. Explore: beautiful stories that develop rich, natural vocabulary along with emotional competencies and values; big Questions that encourage children to investigate real-life topics from different angles; support for early literacy and basic math skills; playful activities and class projects that promote ... |
Учебна система „The English Ladder“ Учебната система „ The English Ladder “ е разработена за ученици от 1. до 4. клас и осигурява първи успешни стъпки в английския език. Тя се състои от 4 нива, които покриват знания на ниво А1 според Общата европейска езикова рамка. Всяка от четирите части осигурява 70-150 учебни часа. С преминаването на второ и трето ниво от системата учениците ще придобият знания за сертификатния тест Cambridge YLE: Starters. Материалите от ниво 4 подготвят за Cambridge YLE: Movers. Учебник Системата е подходяща за паралелки, които имат от 1 до 3 часа седмично английски език. ... |
Департамент "Национална и международна сигурност". Сборник с материали от международната конференция, 2-3 юни 2015 г. ... Това е трети том на поредицата "Наука, образование, сигурност", издавана от департамент "Национална и международна сигурност" на Нов български университет. Неговото съдържание е посветено на различните аспекти и предизвикателства в сферата на сигурността в Югоизточна Европа. Сборникът включва материали на автори от България, Македония и САЩ на официалните езици на посочените държави. Материалите отразяват приноса на участниците към работата на Международната научна ... |
Gabriel, Reese, Sal and Heath are best friends, bonded in their small rural town by their queerness, their good grades and their big dreams. But now it's the summer before their last year of high school, and each of them is going on a huge new adventure. Reese has a design internship in Paris, Gabriel is going to Boston for an internship with a charity organisation and Sal is volunteering on Capitol Hill for a senator - while Heath is stuck going to Florida to help his aunt's business. What will this summer of new experiences and world-expanding travel mean for each of them - and for their friendship? A sweet and ... |