Think Second edition is the English course that develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big - in English. This split combo edition includes half of the Students' Book and Workbook combined in a single volume, with access to ebooks, extra practice and collaboration tools on Cambridge One. Учебната система по английски език Think - ниво 1 ... |
Koprivshtitsa is a picturesque little town-museum and is also a re serve of architecture and history, tucked away amidst the pretty rounded ridges of Sredna Gora Range. It is located at a distance of 100 km east of Sofia (the capital city of Bulgaria) and offers to everybody who vis its it an unforgettable stroll into the kaleidoscope of the past. The me andering, cobblestone-paved little streets that squeeze between the tall stone-wall fences, the heavy wooden gateways with little built-in doors, and the beautiful wooden houses - symbol of wealth and prosperity of their owners, the wonderful arched bridges over river ... |
"Colin's Colours" is a Level 1 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a child's interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses. Activities pages and picture dictionary can be found at the back of each reader. The book can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course. The "Macmillan Children's Readers" series offers simplified English reading. The series is divided into six levels. The series brings children real and imaginary stories to arouse their interest. The book ... |
Александър Дюма-баща надарява с плът и кръв над 35 000 герои, но малцина от тях са блестящи като лейди Хамилтън, която чрез неговото перо представя своите спомени. Самият автор пише през 1851:"О, прекрасна и съдбоносна Ема Лайона! Кой историк ще се осмели да бъде Тацит на вашия живот? Кой поет ще се осмели да стане Ювенал на вашите страсти? Любимка на кралица Каролина! Господарка на чувствата на адмирал Нелсън!"Десет години по-късно Дюма приема предизвикателството, което е отправил на самия себе си, и ни пренася в Англия от XVІІІ век и в неаполския двор на Бурбоните по време на Великата френска революция. Като ... |
Поредицата Умни малчугани е разработена и предназначена специално за часовете по целодневно обучение - занималнята. Учебното помагало за часовете по самоподготовка е разработено с теми по български език и литература, математика и околен свят. То е съобразено с учебната програма и може да се използва с всички действащи и одобрени от МОН учебници. Помагалото покрива условно учебния материал за първия срок. То може да се използва в часовете по целодневно обучение (занималня) и за работа и упражнения вкъщи. Написано е от изключително добре подготвен екип от автори с над 40-годишен опит в системата на българското начално ... |
The brilliant book from the multiple "Sunday Times" bestselling author - Ant Middleton, that will explain the principles behind maintaining a healthy mind and body. The mind and body are often talked about as separate entities, but it's only when they work in harmony with one another that one can truly push oneself to the highest heights. In his book, Ant Middleton lays out and explains the principles that he lives by to best keep his mindset and body as strong as they can possibly be. ... |
Cambridge Science Skills is a dynamic new skills course through which students can practise their English, broaden their vocabulary, and improve their language skills. An enquiry-based approach to learning aids in the development of thinking skills; student-centred learning ensures an active classroom experience and allows the children to work alone or collaboratively on projects, investigations and experiments. It is ideal supplementary material to be used alongside Cambridge ELT textbooks. Учебната система по английски език Science Skills - ниво 1 се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка книга за учителя ... |
Step into the world of "Cambridge Little Steps", a language and early literacy course that gets very young children communicating in English while nurturing their key life competencies and human values needed to become kind, creative individuals ready to make the most of life's opportunities. Explore: beautiful stories that develop rich, natural vocabulary along with emotional competencies and values; big Questions that encourage children to investigate real-life topics from different angles; support for early literacy and basic math skills; playful activities and class projects that promote ... |
Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English, empowering them to make the most of life's opportunities. Through its three essential pillars, Cambridge Primary Path offers a truly effective approach to learning. The comprehensive literacy-based approach ensures students receive essential language support alongside literacy training so they become fully literate in English. The groundbreaking research-based oracy framework enables students to become confident, collaborative speakers. The creativity principles encourage ... |
Step into the world of "Cambridge Little Steps", a language and early literacy course that gets very young children communicating in English while nurturing their key life competencies and human values needed to become kind, creative individuals ready to make the most of life's opportunities. Explore: beautiful stories that develop rich, natural vocabulary along with emotional competencies and values; big Questions that encourage children to investigate real-life topics from different angles; support for early literacy and basic math skills; playful activities and class projects that promote ... |
Комплектът от "Bullyland" е подходящ за деца над 3-годишна възраст. Той се състои от фигурка на Diddlina и Galupy. Те са изработени от здрава пластмаса. Комплектът е чудесна идея за подарък на любим човек по случай Свети Валентин или друг повод. Diddlina е с височина 7 cm, а Galupy е с размери 6.5 x 7 cm. ... |
Учебна система „The English Ladder“ Учебната система „ The English Ladder “ е разработена за ученици от 1. до 4. клас и осигурява първи успешни стъпки в английския език. Тя се състои от 4 нива, които покриват знания на ниво А1 според Общата европейска езикова рамка. Всяка от четирите части осигурява 70-150 учебни часа. С преминаването на второ и трето ниво от системата учениците ще придобият знания за сертификатния тест Cambridge YLE: Starters. Материалите от ниво 4 подготвят за Cambridge YLE: Movers. Учебник Системата е подходяща за паралелки, които имат от 1 до 3 часа седмично английски език. ... |