For real e гъвкава система по английски език, адаптирана за потребностите на българските ученици. Тя развива интегрирано четирите езикови умения чрез близки до интересите на ученика текстове и сюжети, свързани с реалния живот на младите хора във Великобритания и запознава учениците с богатството от изразни средства на съвременния език и успешно свързва овладяването на граматичния материал с изграждането на комуникативни умения. Също така подготвя учениците за изпитите на Кеймбридж ( PET, KET, FCE ) и Тринити и отваря пред тях вратите на англоговорещия свят. Учебникът съдържа и уроци за България, за да могат учениците ... |
The Pupil's Book is the core component of the series. It features nine units, plus an introductory unit. Every unit divides into twelve lessons filled with opportunities for learning and play either through songs, chants, adventures of Pippa and Pop, original children's literature, or arts and crafts and fun stickers. Inside the front cover, learners will find a unique access code to the Digital Pack with all the songs, chants adventures and stories. There are also printable worksheets and mini flashcards for games at home. It's the perfect resource for parents to support their child's learning at home. ... |
Комплектът е част от серията "Diddl and Friends" на "Bullyland". Той се състои от 2 фигурки на мишока Diddl и мишката Diddlina. Те са с приблизителна височина 7 cm. ... |
Sometimes you can choose your family. ... Avery (Night Owl) is bookish, intense, likes to plan ahead, and is afraid of many things. Bett (Dogfish) is fearless, outgoing, and lives in the moment. What they have in common is that they are both twelve years old, and their dads are dating each other. Bett and Avery are sent, against their will, to the same camp for the summer vacation. Their dads hope that they will find common ground and become friends - and possibly, one day, even sisters. Against all odds, the girls soon can’t imagine a life without each other. But when the worst happens, and their dads break up, Avery ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A tragic love story is uncovered as journalist Clare Crowe goes to Switzerland to bring home a relative's body. Clare's grandfather has been found frozen in a glacier, 74 years after a climbing accident. Clare knows this could make an interesting story for her newspaper, but as she investigates her grandfather's last climb, she learns that the accident wasn't as simple as she had first thought. ... |
Учебникът съдържа: 12 урока с добре балансирано учебно съдържание, които осигуряват достатъчно упражнения за преговор и затвърдяване; помощни карета и достъпни обяснения, които улесняват учениците при преодоляване на основни трудности при изучаването на английски език от българи; ясен и последователен граматичен материал, представен на малки порции и упражнен с градирани по трудност задачи; съвременен език, който е близък на учениците и развива комуникативните им умения; лесни за следване модели, които развиват умението писане; страницата Smart Skills във всеки урок, която представя актуални текстове по интересни ... |
This book was initially planned as a record of a series of lectures to my first classes of Bulgarian Philology, English Philology and Applied Linguistics, and Public Relations undergraduate and graduate students at the South West University of Bulgaria where, back in the early 1990s, we were to lay the foundations of an academic tradition in a fast changing world. It was meant as a record of the fast restructuring of our minds and attitudes in time of economic and sociopolitical transition and cultural transcendence, seen from a changing Bulgarian perspective where the world came upon our horizon English-speaking. The ... |
Perfect for fans of Erin Stead and Emily Winfield Martin, here is a charming paperback picture book about two friends who enter a fairy-tale world hoping to find an exciting story to tell. When best friends Fern, a bear, and Otto, a cat, go searching for an exciting story in the forest, they have different ideas about what that means. Fern thinks they should stop and watch a race between a tortoise and a hare, but Otto worries that a tortoise is too slow to be exciting. Fern thinks listening to the three brothers talking about how to build a house is incredibly interesting, but Otto isn't convinced. Along the way, ... |
The Tortoise and the Hare. The Three Little Pigs. Country Mouse and City Mouse. From realizing that there is no "right" way to live to respecting our planet and learning what really makes someone a winner, the messages at the heart of "Natalie Portman's Fables" are modern takes on timeless life lessons. Told with a playful, kid-friendly voice and perfectly paired with Janna Mattia's charming artwork, Portman's insightful retellings of "The Tortoise and the Hare", "The Three Little Pigs", and "Country Mouse and City Mouse" are ideal for reading aloud and are ... |
Aladdin meets an evil wizard who tricks him into finding a magic lamp. But a genie helps him escape the wizard and return home. Then Aladdin falls in love with the Royal Princess and wants to marry her. Can the magic lamp help his dreams to come true? "Macmillan English Explorers" is an eight-level reading scheme written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. Informed by the National Literacy Strategy and by teaching methodology for first language speakers of English, "Macmillan Explorers" is supported by ... |
Организирайте времето си и бъдете креативни. Дневният планер за деца е практично и удобно решение за организиране на ежедневни задачи и дейности. Може да се ползва в училище или в свободното време. Съдържа 54 лесно отделящи се листове с оригинален дизайн, на които да запишете всичко, което не трябва да забравяте. Характеристики: формат: A5; размери: 14.8 x 21 cm; брой листове: 54. ... |
Учебникът съдържа: 12 урока с добре балансирано учебно съдържание, които осигуряват достатъчно упражнения за преговор и затвърдяване; помощни карета и достъпни обяснения, които улесняват учениците при преодоляване на основни трудности при изучаването на английски език от българи; ясен и последователен граматичен материал, представен на малки порции и упражнен с градирани по трудност задачи; съвременен език, който е близък на учениците и развива комуникативните им умения; лесни за следване модели, които развиват умението писане; страницата SMART SKILLS във всеки урок, която представя актуални текстове по интересни ... |