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Търсене на: Energy from Bulgaria

/ над 500 продукта /
Magnificent icons in Bulgaria
Georgi Parpulov
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Цена:  119.00 лв.
Bulgaria: Terra europeansis incognita
Ivan Daraktchiev
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  120.00 лв.
Tales from Shakespeare - ниво B2 + аудио материали
Стандартна цена 16.90 лв.
Вземи сега с отстъпка -30%!
За повече подробности виж в продукта.
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
Цена:  11.83 лв.
Far from the Danube
Christopher Buxton
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  20.00 лв.
Cave Fauna of Bulgaria
Petar Beron
Цена:  35.00 лв.
Hidden Treasures of Bulgaria 3
Dimana Trankova, Anthony Georgieff
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  34.99 лв.
Transformation Always Takes Time and Energy
Pravdoliub Ivanov
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  15.00 лв.
A Guide to Communist Bulgaria
Dimana Trankova, Anthony Georgieff, Georgi Lozanov, Mihail Gruev
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Цена:  59.99 лв.
A Guide to Thracian Bulgaria
Dimana Trankova, Miglena Vasileva, Anthony Georgieff
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  30.00 лв.
Stories from the 90s
Цена:  23.80 лв.
Roman Cities in Bulgaria - volume 1
Rumen Ivanov
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Цена:  90.00 лв.
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 3 (B1): Future Energy
Alex Raynham
Цени от:  25.90 лв.
Продукти отговарящи на търсене: Energy from Bulgaria
Magnificent icons in Bulgaria -

Magnificent icons in Bulgaria

Georgi Parpulov

Методиеви книги
Цена:  119.00 лв.
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
"Magnificent icons in Bulgaria" is a project of "Metodivs books" publishing house, representing one hundred Orthodox Christian icons, created in the span of a millennium - from X to XIX century, currently part of the collections of the National Archaeological Institute with a museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Gallery / Museum of Christian Art, National Museum of Ecclesiastical History and Archaeology, National History Museum and Rozhen Monastery "Holy Nativity of the Mother of God". This priceless heritage of centuries-old icons, certifying the indisputable Bulgarian ...
Bulgaria: Terra europeansis incognita -

Bulgaria: Terra europeansis incognita

Ivan Daraktchiev

Цена:  120.00 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Conceived originally as a tool for familiarizing Western intellectuals with the rich history and culture of Bulgaria and its people, the book presents as well - albeit briefly - the other Balkan nationalities and their interrelations. The case is made for the injustice wrought upon the country by the Great Powers, such that within the last 130 years or so since its liberation from the Ottoman yoke it has been splintered into multiple pieces, each donated to a different neighbour. Specifically, the call is justified for unification between Bulgaria and it's southwestern part that is known under the name of Republic of ...
Tales from Shakespeare - ниво B2 -

Tales from Shakespeare - ниво B2 + аудио материали

Клет България
Цена:  11.83 лв.
Стандартна цена 16.90 лв.
Вземи сега с отстъпка -30%!
За повече подробности виж в продукта.
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с видео материали
По пиесите на Уилям Шекспир от Чарлз и Мери Ламб, преразказани от Силвана Сарди. ... An excellent introduction to the world of Shakespeare. This edition includes seven of Shakespeare's plays: As You Like It; The Merchant of Venice; The Tempest; Twelfth Night; Macbeth; Much Ado About Nothing; A Midsummer Night's Dream. They tell stories of love, romance, ambition, jealousy and death, to name but a few of Shakespeare's favourite themes and introduce us to some of his most famous characters. Книгата е част от поредицата Young Adult Readers от издателство Клет България. ...
Far from the Danube -

Far from the Danube

Christopher Buxton

Цена:  20.00 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
"Far from the Danube" is the story of an extraordinary woman who rescued a heavily wounded knight from a battlefield in northern Bulgaria and managed to return him to a less than grateful family in Normandy, just as the Hundred Years War was about to start. Set against the national and religious conflicts of the early 15th century this is a powerful account of a hazardous journey into exile and of a love between Maria Iskra and Gilles Guiton that flew in the face of contemporary mores, given that as a knight of St John, Gilles had taken a vow of chastity. Based on a recorded meeting between English King Henry V ...
Cave Fauna of Bulgaria -

Cave Fauna of Bulgaria

Petar Beron

Изток - Запад
Цена:  35.00 лв.
Petar Beron worked at the Institute of Zoology and the National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as a biologist from 1963 to 2010. Specializating in acarology and biospeleology, he began exploring caves and cave fauna since 1955. He went on expeditions in New Guinea, Indonesia, Mexico, Cuba, China, Vietnam, on the Balkan Peninsula, in Corsica and South America. In his journeys, he discovered many new species of caves and animals. Author and co-author of many books and articles on speleology, zoogeography and acarology. The present publication contains data on 153 species not recorded so ...
Hidden Treasures of Bulgaria 3 -

Hidden Treasures of Bulgaria 3

Dimana Trankova, Anthony Georgieff

Фондация Фрий Спийч Интернешънъл
Цена:  34.99 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Well-informed and richly illustrated, this book is the third volume of the popular Hidden Treasures of Bulgaria series. It takes the reader to lesser or completely unknown places in Bulgaria that fully live up to the promise of being "hidden treasures". Often located off (or off-off) the beaten track, they are integral part of what makes today's Bulgaria such a fascinating travel destination. Many of the forts, urbex sites, waterfalls and traditional villages are not to be found in any guidebook, and neither are some of the events and festivals described and photographed in detail here. This book provides ...
Transformation Always Takes Time and Energy -

Transformation Always Takes Time and Energy

Pravdoliub Ivanov

Жанет - 45
Цена:  15.00 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
"Transformation Always Takes Time And Energy" e първия ретроспективен каталог на българския съвременен автор Правдолюб Иванов. Каталогът обхваща селектирани творби от 1995 до 2013 г., включвайки и скорошни работи на Правдолюб Иванов. Цветното издание съдържа текстове на английски език с автори Яра Бубнова и Валтер Зайдл. За Правдолюб Иванов в текста си към каталога Яра Бубнова казва:"Правдолюб Иванов е един от най-активните днес български художници. Сред работите му има обекти, рисунки, скулптури, фотографии, инсталации, текстове, а напоследък и видео. Вероятно, най-лесно и достатъчно безотговорно той може ...
A Guide to Communist Bulgaria -

A Guide to Communist Bulgaria

Dimana Trankova, Anthony Georgieff, Georgi Lozanov, Mihail Gruev

Фондация Фрий Спийч Интернешънъл
Цена:  59.99 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
A Guide to Communist Bulgaria meanders through the architectural, artistic and material heritage of the people's Republic of Bulgaria, and puts it in context. The book features the must-visit locations and monuments for anyone with an interest in the triumphs and failures of Bulgaria's recent past: from Buzludzha and Dimitrovgrad to Stalinist Sofiq, the Monuments of Communist guerrilla fighters and soviet soldiers, the abandoned military barracks and cinema theatres, the failed megaprojects and the nostalgia for the idealised communist past and its funny street signs."Communist ideology permeated the living ...
A Guide to Thracian Bulgaria -

A Guide to Thracian Bulgaria

Dimana Trankova, Miglena Vasileva, Anthony Georgieff


Цена:  30.00 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
About 4000 years ago the lands of modern Bulgaria were inhabited by people who built fortifications and cities, buried their dead in monumental tombs, drank wine from gold and silver cups, and warred, traded and did politics with the ancient Greeks and Romans, with the Persians, the Scythians and the ancient Macedonians. Who were these people? What do we know about them? This book will take you to all of the sites related to Thracians, a mysterious nation that had no written language but that left behind a lot of marvelous heritage. It will guide you from their rock niches in the Rhodope to the richly decorated royal ...
Stories from the 90s -

Stories from the 90s

Цена:  23.80 лв.
Compiled and edited by Nevena Dishlieva-Krysteva. ... This anthology contains twenty-six personal tales of youthful adventures, ridiculous hairstyles, bootleg cassette tapes, mafia thugs, hitchhiking and guitar-playing, free falling, and hopes for a bright future. All this took place against the backdrop of political and social cataclysms during the most vertiginous decade in Bulgaria’s recent history. A chronicle of euphoria, aspirations, and painful collapse. Stories from the '90s is the third and final book in the series of themed anthologies published by ICU, which also include My Brother's Suitcase and ...
Roman Cities in Bulgaria - volume 1 -

Roman Cities in Bulgaria - volume 1

Rumen Ivanov

АИ Проф. Марин Дринов
Цена:  90.00 лв.
Възможна е експресна доставка на следващ работен ден, до офис на Еконт.
Продуктът е представен с вътрешни страници
Corpus of Ancient and Medieval Settlements in Modern Bulgaria. ... In the first volume "The Roman Cities in Bulgaria", of "Corpus of the Ancient and the Medieval Settlements in Modern Bulgaria" unique archaeological and historical facts are considered. A mosaic, representing the famous anchient Greek dramatic Menander's work "Achaeans" (previously unknown), has been discovered at Ulpia Oescus. It was here that Constantine the Great himself opened a bridge over the Danube on July 5, 328. Flavius Aetius, who defeated Attila on the Catalauninan Plains in Gallia, was born in Durostorum. The ...
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 3 (B1): Future Energy -

Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles - ниво 3 (B1): Future Energy

Alex Raynham

Oxford University Press
Цени от:  25.90 лв.
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Right now, all over the world, people are using energy. As we drive our cars, work on our computers, or even cook food on a wood fire, we probably do not stop to think about where the energy comes from. But when the gas is gone and there is no more coal - what then? Scientists are finding new answers ...
Търсене на: Energy from Bulgaria Продукти 13-24 от над 500
Майкъл Крайтън, Джеймс Патерсън
Паоло Манчини, Лука де Леоне
К. Бромберг
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