"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. What do you find in these two countries at the end of the world? One is an enormous island, where only twenty million people live - and the other is two long, narrow islands, with ten sheep for every person. One country has the biggest rock in all the world, and a town where everybody lives under the ... |
Based on the story of Mark Twain. Retold by Nick Bullard. ... Tom Sawyer does not like school. He does not like work, and he never wants to get out of bed in the morning. But he likes swimming and fishing, and having adventures with his friends. And he has a lot of adventures. One night, he and his friend Huck Finn go to the graveyard to look for ghosts. They don't see any ghosts that night. They see something worse than a ghost - much, much worse... Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1 - C1 of the ... |
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Some call it football, some call it soccer, and to others it's "the beautiful game". By any name, it's a sport with some fascinating stories. There is murder in Colombia, and a game that lasts for two days where many players never see the ball. There's the French writer who learnt ... |
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the Oxford Bookworms Library available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Our world is changing fast. We can travel and speak to people around the world, and use computers to do all kinds of things. But in some places, children go to bed hungry at night, and cannot drink clean water. And many species of animals and plants are now in danger as our climate changes and pollution worsens... Oxford ... |
Based on the story of Katherine Mansfield. Retold by Rosalie Kerr. ... "Oh, how delightful it is to fall in love for the first time! How exciting to go to your first dance when you are a girl of eighteen! But life can also be hard and cruel, if you are young and inexperienced and travelling alone across Europe... or if you are a child from the wrong social class... or a singer without work and the rent to be paid." By the book Set in Europe and New Zealand, these nine stories by Katherine Mansfield dig deep beneath the appearances of life to show us the causes of human happiness and despair. Classics, modern ... |
Based on the story of Thomas Hardy. Retold by Clare West. ... On a stormy winter night, a stranger knocks at the door of a shepherd's cottage. He is cold and hungry, and wants to get out of the rain. He is welcomed inside, but he does not give his name or his business. Who is he, and where has he come from? And he is only the first visitor to call at the cottage that night... In these three short stories, Thomas Hardy gives us pictures of the lives of shepherds and hangmen, dukes and teachers. But rich or poor, young or old, they all have the same feelings of fear, hope, love, jealousy... Classics, modern fiction, ... |
Учебникът и учебната тетрадка са събрани в едно книжно тяло. ... Учебната система по английски език "Treetops - ниво 2" е предназначена за деца и ученици от начален курс. Към учебникът и учебната тетрадка, е включен и диск с аудио материалите от упражненията за слушане. Дискът съдържа и образователни игри, които затвърждават наученото по време на час. Системата "Treetops" стимулира ученето чрез истории и песни, красиви илюстрации, разнообразни дейности и увлекателни игри в рамките на учебната програма. Уроците са вълнуващи и забавни, а малките герои и техните истории стимулират въображението на ... |
"Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles" are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. About a quarter of the people in the world today speak or use English. In homes and schools, offices and meeting rooms, ships and airports, people are speaking English... How has this happened? How did English begin, and what will become of it? The history of English is a journey through space and time, ... |
Книгата за учителя подготвя за изпита "Cambridge YLE: Starters". ... Ръководството за учителя осигурява идеи за часа и съкращава много от времето на преподаващия за подготвянето на часа. Ръководството съдържа: насоки към всеки урок и идеи за начина, по който да се поставят задачите в него; отговорите на всички упражнения от учебника и учебната тетрадка; всички текстове, необходими за упражненията за слушане; допълнителни упражнения за ксерокопиране, разработени за всеки урок. Учебната система "Kid's Box 1 - Second Edition" се състои от: учебник учебна тетрадка книга за учителя книга ... |
Based on the story of Jerome K. Jerome. Retold by Diane Mowat. ... "I like work. I find it interesting... I can sit and look at it for hours." By the book With ideas like this, perhaps it is not a good idea to spend a holiday taking a boat trip up the River Thames. But this is what the three friends - and Montmorency the dog - decide to do. It is the sort of holiday that is fun to remember afterwards, but not so much fun to wake up too early on a cold, wet morning. This famous book has made people laugh all over the world for a hundred years... and they are still laughing. Classics, modern fiction, non- ... |
Based on the story of Robert Louis Stevenson. Retold by Rosemary Border. ... You are walking through the streets of London. It is getting dark and you want to get home quickly. You enter a narrow side-street. Everything is quiet, but as you pass the door of a large, windowless building, you hear a key turning in the lock. A man comes out and looks at you. You have never seen him before, but you realize immediately that he hates you. You are shocked to discover, also, that you hate him. Who is this man that everybody hates? And why is he coming out of the laboratory of the very respectable Dr Jekyll? Classics, modern ... |
"Testmaker CD-ROM and Audio CD" е комплект от 2 CD-та. Дискът с тестове осигурява на учителите гъвкавостта да избират, редактират, запазват и отпечатват тестове. Преподавателите могат да избират и редактират от включените в диска готови тестове за проверка на знанията към всеки урок. Освен това, с помощта на "Testmaker" учителят може да раздаде по 2 версии на всеки тест, за да се предотврати преписването и споделяне на отговори в класа. Преподавателите имат възможност и да създадат собствени тестови формати от включените в диска допълнителни въпроси, които са фокусирани върху граматика, лексика и ... |