The Teacher's Book is your teacher-friendly guide and companion to teaching with Pippa and Pop. Here you can find: Teaching notes for every stage of the lesson and how to incorporate different components (the digital pack, the puppet and other). Games Bank involving flashcards and interactive games in Presentation Plus. Guided Play support. Literacy development tips. Formative Assessment support. Guidance on Life Competencies - look out for the shield icons that flag those activities. The Teacher's Digital Pack brings you all the teaching resources in one place, on Cambridge One. The code inside the ... |
The Teacher's Book is your teacher-friendly guide and companion to teaching with Pippa and Pop. Here you can find: Teaching notes for every stage of the lesson and how to incorporate different components (the digital pack, the puppet and other). Games Bank involving flashcards and interactive games in Presentation Plus. Guided Play support. Literacy development tips. Formative Assessment support. Guidance on Life Competencies - look out for the shield icons that flag those activities. The Teacher's Digital Pack brings you all the teaching resources in one place, on Cambridge One. The code inside the ... |
The Teacher's Book is your teacher-friendly guide and companion to teaching with Pippa and Pop. Here you can find: Teaching notes for every stage of the lesson and how to incorporate different components (the digital pack, the puppet and other). Games Bank involving flashcards and interactive games in Presentation Plus. Guided Play support. Literacy development tips. Formative Assessment support. Guidance on Life Competencies - look out for the shield icons that flag those activities. The Teacher's Digital Pack brings you all the teaching resources in one place, on Cambridge One. The code inside the ... |
Woodend was a small, quiet village with no shops, no visitors. Then a stranger came and opened the Corner Shop. That summer, visitors came to Woodend. And customers came secretly to the shop. They wanted help and the stranger helped them. This book is in British English and here you can find a story and points for understanding comprehension questions. There are exercises at the end of the book. Included CD contains audio versions of all the chapters of the book. ... |
За деца на 6 - 7 години. ... Програмната система "Play and Talk with Echo" е предназначена за ранно чуждоезиково обучение на деца от предучилищна възраст. При разпределение на учебното съдържание се спазват принципите за цикличност и спираловидно разработване на тематичните области, които във всеки следващ модул се затвърдяват, разширяват и задълбочават, следвайки закона за многократно увеличен учебен материал. Системата дава свобода на учителя да упражни своята лична преценка и да взима решения така, че да приспособи материала към особеностите на всяка група. Учебното съдържание е разработено съгласно ... |
Hogwarts house edition. ... Let the magic of J.K. Rowling's classic Harry Potter series take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This Slytherin House Edition of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire celebrates the noble character of the Hogwarts house famed for its pride, ambition and cunning. Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts is packed with more great Slytherin moments and characters, culminating in the terrifying finale of the Triwizard Tournament, which sees the momentous return of Voldemort, the greatest Dark Wizard of all time... Each Slytherin House Edition features vibrant sprayed edges ... |
Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the "Oxford Bookworms Library" available for Levels 1 to 4 (CEFR A1 - B2). Students learn about different countries and cultures, science and nature, history and historical figures all while practising and improving their English. Everybody took photos of Prince William when he first arrived at the University of St Andrews. Crowds of photographers came to the little Scottish town next to the sea and took pictures of this new student - the nineteen year-old grandson of the Queen of England. But nobody photographed Kate Middleton on her first ... |
Стенното учебно табло е на английски език и е посветено на темата за влечугите и земноводните. Ламинираната му повърхност дава възможност на детето да пише върху него с неперманентен маркер, без да се страхува, че ще сбърка. Само с едно изтриване на салфетката и упражнението може да се повтори стотици пъти от десетки деца. Характеристики: размер: 52 x 77 cm цветни илюстрации двустранно ламинирано ... |
Двуезично издание на български и английски език. Съставител: Станимир Йотов. ... Ученето на английски може да бъде забавно! Тази книга е предназначена за всички, които изучават английски език и искат да правят това по възможно най-приятния начин! Включените тук гатанки и загадки са интригуващи и забавни и точно затова са чудесно средство за усъвършенстване на вашите езикови умения. Докато се опитвате въодушевено да намерите отговор на някакъв заплетен логически казус на английски, вие неусетно забравяте, че учите, потапяте се в реалиите на този език и започвате да мислите на него. За улеснение на читателя навсякъде е ... |
A psycholinguistic analysis of editorials concerning 9/11. ... "Life and Death in a Time of Terror" is a psycholinguistic study of how 270 editorials from five different newspapers sought to make sense of an initially incomprehensible set of events: the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington, DC and a United Airlines jet flying over a field somewhere in rural Pennsylvania. What made this a pressing task in 2001 was that not only did these attacks produce some 3000 deaths (many as horrible as can possibly be imagined), the destruction of two of America's largest ... |
In English-speaking countries around the world people celebrate Easter, Valentine's Day, Christmas, and other special days. Some celebrations are new, others, like the summer solstice, go back thousands of years. What happens on these special days? Why is there a special day for eating pancakes? Who is the "guy" that children take onto the streets in November? And where do many people like to spend the shortest night of the year in England? Come on a journey through a year of celebrations, from New Year's Eve to Christmas. Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles are non-fiction graded readers from the Oxford ... |
Изданието е двуезично - на български и английски език. ... Книгата "Between English and Bulgarian. Между английския и българския език" съдържа подбор от статии върху различни аспекти на двата езика, най-често с оглед на съпоставката и контактите между тях. Материалът е организиран в пет раздела: Английски и български - контакт и контрасти. Наблюдения върху английския език. Наблюдения върху българския език. Език и превод. През погледа на другия: англицистика в България. Българистика в Англия./li> Книгата представлява интерес за езиковеди, студенти от съответните специалности и за всички, които имат по- ... |